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Hi! 👋
I’m Manuel Strehl, a web developer from Germany. My favorite topic, and what
you will find most on this site, is getting information into a humanly
digestible state.
You can also find me
the Fediverse as,
Github as Boldewyn,
StackOverflow as Boldewyn, too,
MDN editor and
Wikipedia author.
I’ve put some images
(“What’s a ‘Boldewyn’?”)
A Minimal Proxy with PHP and SQLite
8 Mar 2011
Many web services allow access to their APIs via JSONP nowadays. This allows client-side JavaScript to access ressources via domain boundaries. However, for several reasons caching ressources locally (on the same server …
Create CSS Sprites with ImageMagick
24 Jan 2011
After colorizing the SVG icons I needed to create images suitable for CSS sprites out of them. The first step is rasterizing the SVG files, as I described in the previous article. We now have a bundle of PNG files, which…
Colorizing Icons with `sed`
24 Jan 2011
Creating colorized versions of a base icon usuallycalls for heavy Photoshop actions.
Recently I created an SVG file with some simple black-and-white icons I wanted to use in an application. The file contains a red…
Website Thumbnails with CSS
14 Dec 2010
A thumbnail view of a website is meanwhile a common sight. Google has recently introduced it in its search results page, and numerous ad services offer more or less annoying tool tips with page previews. What all these i…
Digraphs in Firefox
9 Dec 2010
What are Digraphs? ¶ I really became addicted to Vim’s digraph feature. It’s a simple but elegant way to input higher Unicode by entering combinations of ASCII characters. In insert mode, you press Ctrl-K followed by a m…
Kate and Regular Expressions
4 Nov 2010
One of the main reasons, why I finally landed at Vim as editor was the lack of decent regular expression support in all other editors I used so far (except, of course, Emacs). That includes especially Notepad++ on Window…
About Manuel
21 Sept 2010
I’m Manuel Strehl, a true and thorough Bavarian web developer. And why, yes, I also own a Lederhose. Apart from dancing around some poles and Schuhplattling (ok, admitted, I never did that), I enjoy coding and devel…
Wireframes with SVG
7 Jul 2009
The state of the art way to communicate between web designer and developer is via Photoshop. This article presents an alternative, SVG, that provides several advantages over the “traditional” way.